Tomorrow I move out of my little home and hand my house keys to P: a woman who comes highly recommended by people I trust. This new friend showed up on my doorstep one afternoon three weeks ago, looking for a place to live for the winter and spring. She immediately liked my home and asked if I would rent it to her for six months, beginning December 1? She needed a quick answer because of another potential rental commitment. I told her I had to have at least 24 hours to think about it, since, although I have been wanting to take a long trip and trade a winter at 7000 ft. for something more colorful, warm and exotic, this was sudden indeed! Now? Really? Six months?!?

Heart racing, face hot and head practically exploding from conflicting thoughts and feelings, I willed myself to breathe. When a bit calmer I talked to my favorite advisors – smart, trusted family members and supportive friends who know me well – going over pros and cons, fears and funds, escape routes (if necessary) and backup plans. Pacing the floor and going over the input from these loved ones, I spent the evening thinking deeply about just how I want to live the next six months of my life.
When I woke up the next morning I knew I was going to go for it. If not now, when? My close family members are all doing well and I’m healthy and have plenty of energy. Who knows how much longer all of this will be true? I’ve traveled alone enough to know how to make friends on the road. I’ve struggled with learning the basics of other languages and how various systems work in foreign countries. It can be hard at times, for sure, but the focus it takes keeps my senses wide awake and my mind working and alert. Colors are brighter, smells more intense, and I find the newness intoxicating. There’s no sleepwalking through a country you’ve never been to before! I’m at a point in my life when I can use a kick in the butt, a re-wiring of my brain circuitry, an opening of spirit, some new points of view. I’m betting this trip will do all that and more.
Researching my American Airlines milage account I discovered I had enough milage to fly to South East Asia and back, virtually for free. I talked with P and told her that five months was the absolute maximum amount of time I could rent to her since I must be back to start my gardens by May 1. We discussed money and terms and conditions and she agreed to all of my requests, saying they were “normal” and fine with her. Since then we have talked and met several times and I feel good about leaving my home in her hands. Off I go into the Wild Blue Yonder.